public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "social software"

January 2006

socialporn / galleries on homepage

by François Hodierne & 9 others
This is Web 2.0 applied to the porn industry: A collaborative p0rn linking site where users (expert wankers) publish, select and comment the most sexy & erotic galleries on the Internet.

December 2005


by DoubleJ & 177 others (via)
Your personal music network - Personalised online radio station

November 2005


by François Hodierne & 2 others
Pour ceux qui pratiquent régulièrement le blog, il apparaît de plus en plus évident qu’une révolution est en cours. Cette révolution (politique) est la suite logique d’une révolution comparable a celle qui a découlé de l’invention de Gutenberg.

Amazon Mechanical Turk

by François Hodierne (via)
> Complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it. Learn more. Choose from thousands of tasks, control when you work, and decide how much you earn.

I want to

by srcmax & 73 others (via)
a page of utilities that help you do stuff you want to

I want to

by marc-o & 73 others (via)
a page of utilities that help you do stuff you want to

I want to

by François Hodierne & 73 others (via)
a page of utilities that help you do stuff you want to

October 2005

September 2005

Omidyar Network - Français et Francophonie

by François Hodierne (via)
la tête de pont francophone du réseau social avec des valeurs dedans